A HIGH COURT judge has granted a group of Welsh parents a unique opportunity to Judicial Review the Welsh Government’s controversial decision to rollout Relationship and Sex Education across the ‘whole school’ in Wales. The RSE curriculum includes sex education down to age three, the denial of parental involvement, including the withdrawal of their child from RSE lessons, and the promotion of Trans Ideology.
In April, claimants representing concerned parents and grandparents lodged papers with the High Court, after years of campaigning to remove Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) from the ‘mandatory element’ of the The Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) Act 2021, which starts this September 2022. The parents believe the mandatory teaching will mean very young children will be introduced to sensitive and inappropriate topics such as gender ideology, and that they will be disenfranchised by being denied their time-honoured right to remove their child from sex education.
Mr Justice Turner, sitting at the Royal Courts of Justice on 27 May granted the parents’ request, which was supposed to be heard ahead of the September start of term. In his ruling, Justice Turner said: “The issues raised on behalf of the claimants involve the consideration of complex constitutional matters with potentially very significant consequences for both parents and children. The response of the defendants, although not without force, is not so obviously determinative of the issues as to justify the refusal of permission.”
This is a hugely significant result, as the LKBKC case was not even given permission to go to Court.