Children believe what teachers tell them…
It’s not legal to teach children that contested ideologies are fact …
#StopSexualisingOurKids PLEASE!
“Relationships and Sex Education policy, is prematurely sexualising children and exposing them to harm…” Voice for Justice, UK
“I believe the only way parents can properly protect their children is to arm themselves with knowledge – and the Right to Withdraw.”
“…the right of parents to have their children educated according to their own beliefs and values is one of the most basic and fundamental human rights we must fight to uphold.” John Smeaton, SPUC.
“Some RSE lessons are contributing to the sexualisation of children ” Miriam Cates MP, 20-6-22
#StopSexualisingOurKids PLEASE!
In 15 years time, will the next generation ask us: “Where were you? Why didn’t you do something?”
Welsh Parents Fighting for their children’s innocence
A group of parents in Wales has argued the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) topics are ‘inappropriate’ for primary pupils.
‘It’s weaving adult debates into all subjects, so even in maths, we’ve seen things like “find the area of an LGBT flag” or “calculate the percentage of people with chlamydia”. It’s dangerous and infuriating.’
Mother-of-two Kim Isherwood
Mr Justice Turner, sitting at the Royal Courts of Justice on 27 May granted the parents’ request, which was supposed to be heard ahead of the September start of term.
“The issues raised on behalf of the claimants involve the consideration of complex constitutional matters with potentially very significant consequences for both parents and children. The response of the defendants, although not without force, is not so obviously determinative of the issues as to justify the refusal of permission.”
Justice Turner in his ruling
A judicial review hearing will take place over two days from November 15 before Mrs Justice Steyn. This is a hugely significant result, as the LKBKC case was not even given permission to go to Court.
Miriam Cates MP, gives an excellent speech in Westminster, and addresses the issues with clarity, and authority…, leaving colleagues with no excuse on the reality of the situation.