We are hugely grateful to our PARTNERS for their integral support of LKBKC.Click the logos below to find out more about their work.
Relationships and Sex Education policy, focusing as it does on the ideological promotion of rebranded sexual values, is prematurely sexualising children and exposing them to harm. Such teaching is an overt attempt at ideological engineering that ignores the right of parents to have children educated in line with their beliefs – and in the child’s best interests. Voice for Justice UK is proud to stand with Let Kids Be Kids Coalition to call for judicial review of these pernicious Regulations that flout parental rights, while prioritising ideology over child safeguarding and protection.
“The principle task of all educational institutions is to guarantee safety and age appropriate teaching for all pupils.”
ParentPower upholds the right and responsibility of parents, as primary educators, to decide what they want their children to be taught. The State must not usurp the constitutional right and freedom of parents to withdraw their child from teaching with which they disagree on moral and religious grounds. We agree wholeheartedly with the Let Kids Be Kids Coalition in calling for Judicial Review of the RSE Regulations on the grounds that they infringe parental rights as laid down in law.
SPUC Safe at School warmly welcome and we are delighted to lend our financial support to this action taken by the Let Kids be Kids Coalition to protect our nation’s children and to prevent the state takeover of parenting which is leaving them so vulnerable and at risk. After the right to life itself, the right of parents to have their children educated according to their own beliefs and values is one of the most basic and fundamental human rights we must fight to uphold.
“SREIslamic fully supports LKBK Coalition’s legal challenge. On behalf of the Muslim community, you can count on our support both morally and financially for the right of parents to educate their children in line with their values.”
CitizenGO is a community of active citizens who work together, using online petitions and action alerts as a resource, to defend and promote life, family, and liberty. They work to ensure that those in power respect human dignity and individuals’ rights.
Cheer wholeheartedly supports the work of LKBKC, on behalf of our hundreds of single parent families. Thank you for this vital defence of parental rights, which is much needed support for parents in protecting their children.
“School Gate Campaign fully supports Let Kids Be Kids Coalition and its action to preserve parental rights and protect children in schools. We call on parents everywhere to support this action and take a stand for the next generation.”