“It’s bordering on child abuse” says Sarah Vine in the Daily Mail

“There comes a time when you have to stand up for what you believe in. When being silent makes you not just a coward, but a willing accomplice in something fundamentally wrong. So here goes…This is not ‘education’. It’s bordering on child abuse.” Read her full article from the Daily Mail here:


Court of Appeal is the next step…

The Judge considered that all our claims on parental rights are arguable. However, we have not yet been given permission to go to a full hearing because the judge agreed with the government that there was too much delay in bringing the case. 

This is a surreal situation because prior to launching our case the government claimed that it was premature and we needed to wait until we were directly affected before bringing it! We filed the case the very same day the Regulations and Guidance came into force and on the basis of multiple established Court of Appeal authorities we are confident that we were entirely in time to bring this action. 

We filed our appeal to the Court of Appeal on Monday 14th December. We have 14 days from that date to submit a Skeleton argument to the Court, which will be done. Given the Christmas Holidays, the team believe the Lord Justice of Appeal will likely make the decision in January. 

On we go!

SRE Islamic asks: What price would you pay to protect the values of your children?

Yusuf Patel from SREIslamic explains their involvement in the Let Kids Be Kids Coalition and why they believe this case is so important for families…

It wasn’t enough for the government to impose statutory Relationships Education (RE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in schools, it also downgraded our right to withdraw. This has always been a trump card parents can use when schools decide to teach too much too soon.

Continue reading the article by clicking here.

Permission Hearing scheduled for 3rd December

We have received notice that the Court has listed the Permission Hearing for 3rd December for 30 mins. Whilst we believe 30 minutes is too little time, we are nonetheless happy to have a date to work towards. Our Solicitor will be notified in due course of the method of the hearing, as some courts are conducting their business face to face, and others online, so how this one will be conducted is as yet unknown. 

As a reminder of why we are pursuing this Judicial Review – click here to visit the rse-unmasked webpage, which has been prepared by Voice for Justice, and shows some of the material (DfE recommended) which children are being subjected to in the classroom. Please beware as some may find the material shocking & distressing.
